JHC Info & Application Form Section 1 – About YouMR/MRS/MS/MISSMrsMissMsFirst Name(Required)Middle name(s)SurnameMaiden name (if applicable)Date of Birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Age(Required)Please enter a number from 9 to 129.Your National Insurance Number (NIN)Mobile NumberTelephone NoEmail(Required)Marital status (evidence will be required)MarriedDivorcedSeparatedSingleWidowedSection 2 – About your Family Name of next of kin or other person with authority willing to act for you who may be contacted in an emergency.MR/MRS/MS/MISSMRMrsMsMissNameAddressPost-codeTelephone noMobile noEmailRelationship to youMR/MRS/MS/MISSMrMrsMsMissNameAddressPost-codeTelephone noMobile noEmailRelationship to youSection 3 – About your present/previous accommodation(s)Current AddressPost CodeLength of time at this addressType of accommodation (e.g., 3-bedroom house, 2-room flat, shared)Do you, or your spouse, own it? Yes No If ‘yes’, what is its present estimated value?Is there a mortgage outstanding on the property and, if so, how much is outstanding? If there is no mortgage, please write NONEIf you, or your spouse, have ever owned the property where you currently live, in what circumstances did you cease to be the owner?If you own property or have ever owned a property other than the one in which you live now, please give details below. This should include property owned abroad as well as in the UK:Post CodeIf you do not own the property where you currently live, who does own this property?Is this person related to you in any way? If YES what is the relationship?If rented, please give name and address of landlord:Do you share this property or the facilities with anyone else if so please state relationship and what accommodation is exclusively for your use?Current rent £Rent per week month Do you have security of tenure? YES NO Please tick which of the following is included in the rent? Gas Electricity Heating Water Council Tax Other (Please state) Do you receive Housing Benefit or other Benefits to help with housing costs? Yes No Do you receive Council Tax Benefit? Yes No Why do you wish to leave your present accommodation?If you are appointed to an almshouse, how much notice are you required to give to your landlord?Please provide details of all your previous addressesPost CodeDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Reason for movingAddressPostcodeDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Reason for movingSection 4 – Employment History You will be required to bring evidence of earnings such as payslips or proof of earnings (if self-employed) to interview.Are you retired? Yes No Please give details of your previous/current occupation (if any) including hours of work and brief details of your employment history. (If you are not employed or retired, please state reason and previous work including dates)Section 5 – Your Income & Expenditure To enable the Trustees to assess your application, please provide the following information. This should include details of all sources of income and expenditure per month. If your income or expenses are received on a weekly basis, multiply that amount by 4.33 to obtain the monthly average. On the other hand, if the income or expenses are calculated on a yearly basis, divide the total by 12 to determine the monthly value. Pensions/Salary1. Wages/Salary2. State Retirement Pension3. Pensions paid by a past employer4. Private Pension5. Widow’s Pension6. Any other pension7. Any other incomeSocial Security Benefits1. Universal Credit2. Pension Credit3. Housing Benefit4. J.S.A.5. E.S.A.6. P.I.P.7. Any other benefitsOther Assets1. Annuities2. Bank Deposit Account3. Building Society Account4. Investment5. Premium Bonds6. Rental from property or land you own7. Insurance Policies8. Funeral Plan9. Grants from a charity10. From a trust fund11. Financial assistance from friend/ relative12. Any other income – please give detailsTOTAL INCOMINGS (Please Enter Sum of Your Income & Expenditure)EXPENSES/OUTGOINGSRentCouncil TaxUtilitiesFoodHousehold/CleaningCigarettes/Alcohol/ (Please specify)Leisure/Entertainment (Please specify)InsuranceTravel CostsTravel CostsMobile phoneTelephone/BroadbandTV LicenceClothingCatalogueCredit CardsLoansOtherTOTAL EXPENSES (Please Enter Sum of Your EXPENSES/OUTGOINGS)(The Trustees will ask for photocopies of pages of passbooks/bank/building society statements/pay slips etc.)Do you own a car? Yes No If yes please give details:MakeModelVehicle Registration PlateSection 6 – About your Health and Social FactorsName & Address of your doctor:Telephone NumberEmailAre you able and willing to live independently and to look after yourself and your accommodation?Please give details of any significant illnesses, injuries or operations during the last five yearsSection 7 – ReferencesPlease give the names and addresses of two responsible people (not relatives) who know you well and whom the charity may approach for a reference. If you are currently renting accommodation, one of the referees should be your current or former landlord. Please indicate how you know the referees.MR/MRS/MS/MISSMrMrsMsMissNamePost-codeTelephone noMobile noEmailRelationship to youMR/MRS/MS/MISSMrMrsMsMissNamePost-codeTelephone noMobile noEmailRelationship to youSection 8 – Other informationHow did you hear of Jesus Hospital Charity and have you applied anywhere else for housing. If so, please give details?If there is any further information which you would like the Visitors to take into account while considering your application, please give it briefly below.Section 9 – DeclarationI have read the charity’s Conditions of Entry and believe I am eligible to apply to live in one of the Charity’s almshouses. I declare the information given in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand the Trustees would be entitled to terminate any appointment to an almshouse dwelling I may be given if my answers in this application form are untrue, or misleading in any respect (for example, due to omitting or misstating relevant facts). I have read and understood this application form and information sheet provided and agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated therein should I be appointed to an almshouse. I accept that if I am appointed as a resident, I shall be a beneficiary of the charity and not a tenant. Any weekly sum I pay will be a maintenance contribution and not a rent. I confirm that I am able to look after myself and to live independently, with the assistance of family and social services if necessary. I consent to my GP or other medical attendant providing the charity with a medical certificate or report about my health and condition now or at a future date in accordance with the terms of the attached form of authority. I consent to the charity holding personal data on this form in accordance with Data Protection Regulations.I agree the charity may contact me by: (Please tick as appropriate)(Required) Email Post Telephone Signature(Required)Name(Required)(PLEASE PRINT NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS)Date MM slash DD slash YYYY PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ